check out the lessons for each stage of entrepreneurship


22 Minute educational video

What's included:

You are a passionate person with an entrepreneurial spirit getting ready to take the leap into full-time entrepreneurship.

Working a full-time job and building your business has you burning at both ends and you’re starting to feel burnt out (or you’re already there!)

You are ready to make the leap into your business full-time and don’t want to burn out along the way.

This is for you if...

In this lesson, you’re being called in to pause and reflect on how you’re *actually* doing. It’s important to protect and nurture your energy, which will make you more resilient to burnout. You’re likely stuck between a rock and a hard place… feeling like you have one foot out the door in your full-time job but still needing to do a good job, AND working many hours outside as your side hustle inches closer to being your full-time gig.

At the end of BUFO 204, you’ll be able to take a big sigh of relief recognizing that this is a normal place to be and it’s only a temporary season.


When your energy needs restored

Managing Burnout During Job Transition